Moving to a new place is a major life event. It can be difficult to leave somewhere you call home and begin your life in a completely different environment. The good news is, there are certain tips that can help you adapt to your new town and lifestyle. We recommend the following five tips for acclimating to a new place.

1. Be a Tourist
When you first move, it’s a good idea to be a tourist and find out what your new town is known for. Consider picking up a few tourist brochures or surfing the internet to find out where all the hotspots are. Take some time to check them out so you can get acquainted with the area and find out what it’s all about.
2. Use Social Media to Make Connections
Social media outlets like LinkedIn, MeetUp, Facebook, and Nextdoor are invaluable resources. You can use them to connect to people in your new town and learn about upcoming events and happenings in your area. To post on a local Facebook group, search those groups by “town” and share that you’re new to the area and looking to meet new people. Facebook mom’s (and dad’s!) groups are a great way to make fast friends. For more tips and helpful apps click here.
3. Take Initiative
Even if you’re a homebody, it’s important to take initiative and leave your home whenever you can. Check out the local coffee shop - the barista’s know all of the ongoings in town. Stop in the local hardware store - they know every local handyperson in the area to help with any home project. Check out your town community center for volunteer opportunities. Have a dog? Go to the local dog run to meet new furry friends. Most towns have a website you can check out the calendar of local events. And all you have to do….is put your shoes on and get out the door! While you may have to step outside of your comfort zone, doing so can allow you to meet new people, have fun, and truly enjoy your new home.
4. Keep Up Your Hobbies
Moving to a new place doesn’t mean you have to give up your hobbies. Keep up your hobbies or pick up some new ones. This way, you can enjoy your free time and increase your chances of meeting people with common interests. If you love to garden, for example, search for local gardening clubs in the area. Or if you like to cook, register for a cooking class and meet some locals.
5. Give Yourself Time to Adjust
The truth is that it may take a bit to feel like home. Experiencing the weather and seasons, getting to know the traffic patterns, making friends, and mastering your daily routine will not happen overnight. Give yourself time to completely adjust and stay positive while you’re doing so.
Want to jump start your acclimation? Check out REA’s services HERE to learn more about our acclimation support services.